Jan 31, 2007

Pursuing Peace Means Knowing Where to Begin

You may already have all the tools you need for happiness and success, you just need to look for them – and that place may be closer than you think. “The peace we look for is within us," says Prem Rawat also known by his honorary title, Maharaji.

We try to live our lives by reason and logic, but there is more. We don’t have to reason everything; we can feel, too. We have been given a valuable tool: we are able to feel. Peace is a feeling, and it is inside of us. If we can awaken to that possibility, we start to enter the realm of self-knowledge.”

Considered a leading voice for peace, Maharaji has spread his word for three decades, to more than 10 million people in over 50 countries. Along the way, he has collected keys to the cities of New York, New Orleans, Monterey, Miami, Detroit and Kyoto, Japan. He established the non-profit Prem Rawat Foundation in Los Angeles to help his message across to even more people.

“I teach people how to discover what they already have,” Maharaji explains. “The first step is to fall in love with the possibility that there is peace inside. We can value each breath, each moment. Each breath can be full of peace. It’s only hard because we have gone so far off the course.”

The journey toward the inner peace-and, ultimately, world peace-begins with that first look inside. As Maharaji puts it, the key to social change is change in an individual, not the other way around.

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